Sunday, August 14, 2016

Code of Conduct for the Merchant Navy

Paragraph 7 : Gross misconduct

Acts of gross misconduct, examples of which are listed below, may, if appropriate in the circumstances and established to the satisfaction of the Master, lead to dismissal from the ship either immediately or at the end of the voyage and to dismissal from employment. This is separate from any other legal or disciplinary action which may be called for.

i) assault (including threatening behavior)

ii) theft (including attempted theft) or possession of stolen property

iii) possession of offensive weapons

iv) unlawful possession or distribution of drugs

v) breach of company rules and procedures relating to alcohol, drugs or smoking.

vi) causing or permitting unauthorized cargo, possessions or persons to be on board the ship or in parts of the ship where prohibited

vii) smuggling of any nature or breach of Customs’ regulations, including but not limited to contraband, stowaways or refugees

viii) demanding and/or receiving any commission or any other favor or benefit from any passenger, customer or supplier (excluding only unsolicited tips given by passengers for service provided, to the extent permissible under company rules)

ix) deliberate misuse of a harbor pass or personal identity card.

x) persistent or willful failure to perform duty

xi) disobedience of a lawful order

xii) to be asleep on duty or fail to remain on duty, if such conduct would prejudice the safety of the ship, persons or cargo on board, or the marine environment

xiii) failure to report to work without satisfactory reason or absence from place of duty or from the ship without leave

xiv) willful damage to the ship or any property on board

xv) conduct endangering the ship, persons or cargo on board, or the marine environment

xvi) combination with others at sea to impede the progress of the voyage or navigation of the ship

xvii) interference with the work of others

xvii) behavior which seriously detracts from the safe and/or efficient working of the ship

xix) conduct of a sexual nature, or other conduct based on sex affecting the dignity of women and men which is unwanted, unreasonable or offensive to the recipient

xx) behavior which seriously detracts from the social well-being of any other person on board, including but not limited to bullying, harassment, intimidation and coercion

xxi) commission of a breach of a lesser degree listed in Paragraph 9 after warnings have been given in accordance with the procedures in Paragraph 8

Paragraph 8 : Less serious misconduct

Breaches of a lesser degree of seriousness may be dealt with by:

a) an informal warning administered at an appropriate level

b) a formal warning by an Officer

c) a written warning by a senior Officer

d) a final written warning by a senior Officer or the Master.

When a warning other than an informal warning is given, the seafarer should be advised of the likely consequences of further breaches of discipline.

Paragraph 9 : Examples of breaches of the disciplinary rules where use of the Paragraph 8 procedure is considered appropriate are listed below.

a) offenses of the kind described at Paragraph 7, which are not considered to justify dismissal in the particular circumstances of the case

b) minor acts of negligence, neglect of duty, disobedience and assault

c) unsatisfactory work performance

d) poor time keeping

e) stopping work before the authorized time

f) offensive or disorderly behavior.


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