Saturday, August 13, 2016

Heavy Weather Management

With heavy weather pending, it would be prudent to secure the ship overall but specifically in the areas of Stability, Cargo, Navigation and the Deck.

Improve the ‘GM’ and remove any free surface effects if possible.

Ballast the vessel down and make the ship as heavy as possible.

Inspect and check the uppermost deck for watertight integrity.

close all watertight doors throughout the vessel and

pump out any swimming pool.


Check all cargo lashings and harden up on any slack securing. Pay particular attention to any heavy lift cargoes and add additional lashings if appropriate.

Thoroughly inspect the securing on deck cargoes and take up any slack on these.


Consider re-routing the vessel in consultation with the ship’s Master.

Verify the ship’s position, update the weather forecast and plot the position of the storm. Pass the position to a shoreside representative and revise the ETA.

Engage manual steering in ample time and reduce speed to prevent the vessel experiencing effects from pounding.

Secure the navigation bridge against heavy rolling.


Rig lifelines fore and aft to ensure that access is not denied to any part of the vessel.

Check securing on the gangways, anchors, survival craft and lifting appliances. Weather doors and ventilation systems should all be closed up if appropriate.

Clear the decks of all surplus gear and reduce deck working to a minimum by operating an internal work schedule.

Warn all ‘Heads of Departments’ of the impending weather.

Note all preparations in the log book.


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