Friday, August 12, 2016

ISM ( International Safety Management )


Came into force on 01st July 2002. Applies to all passenger ships and all cargo vessels over 500 GT. MCA strongly advices also for ships of 150 – 500 GT

Objectives :

→ To ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life.

→ To avoid damage to the environment particularly marine environment and to property.

→ Provide safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment.

→ Assess all identified risks to its ships, personnel and the environment and establish appropriate safeguards.

Continuous improve safety management skill of personnel ashore & aboard ships, including preparation for emergencies related both to safety & environmental protection.

Functional requirements of SMS :

→ A safety and environment protection policy.

Instructions and procedures to ensure safe operation of ship and protection of environment in compliance with relevant International and Flag state legislation.

Levels of authority and lines of communication between shore and shipboard personnel.

→ Procedures for reporting accidents and non-conformities.

→ Procedures to prepare for and respond to emergency situations.

→ Procedures for Internal audits and management reviews.

Company’s Responsibilities :

The company should :

→ Define and document the responsibility, authority and interrelation of all personnel who manage perform and verify work related to and affecting safety and pollution prevention.

→ Ensure that adequate resources and shore based support are provided to enable DPA to carry out his work.

→ Ensure The Master is ~

→ Properly qualified for command.

→ Fully conversant with company’s SMS.

→ Given the necessary support.

→ Ensure appropriately manned to maintain safe operation of ship.

→ Ensure to man the ships with qualified, certified and medically fit crew.

→ Ensure new crew familiar with his duties.

→ Ensure that crew can communicate on safety matters.

→ Should identify training needs and provide training to meet them.

→ Ensure all personnel involved in SMS have adequate understanding of relevant rules, regulations, codes & guidelines.

→ Should establish SMS in a working and understandable language.

DPA should ensure safe operation of each ship and provide a link between the ship and company, as having direct access to the highest level of management. The duty of DPA is to verify and monitor all safety and pollution prevention activities in the operation of each ship. The monitoring shall include but not be limited to :

Communication & implementation of the safety and environment protection policy.

Reporting and analysis of non-conformities, accidents and hazardous occurrences.

Evaluation and review of the effectiveness of the SMS.

Appropriate revision to the SMS.

→ Ensure adequate resources and shore based support are available as required.

Adequate Resources :

→ Personnel resources.

→ Material resources.

→ Any training required.

→ Clearly defined and documented responsibility and authority.

→ Authority for reporting non-conformity and observation to the highest level of authority.

Master’s Responsibilities ~

→ To implement safety and environmental protection policy.

→ To motivate the crew in safety matters.

→ To issue appropriate orders and instructions in clear and simple manner.

→ To verify that SMS requirements are being observed.

→ To review periodically and provide feedback to the company on the SMS.

Master’s Overriding Authority ~

The company should establish in the SMS that “The Master has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention and to request the Company’s assistance as may be necessary’’.

Shipboard operation :

The company should establish procedures, plans and instructions including checklists as appropriate for key shipboard operations concerning the safety of the personnel, ship and protection of environment. The various tasks should be defined and assigned to qualified personnel.

Emergency preparedness :

The company should

→ Identify potential emergency shipboard situations and establish procedures to respond to them.

→ Establish programs for drills and exercises to prepare for emergency actions.

→ Ensure that shore management can respond at any time to hazards, accidents and emergencies involving its ships.

Planned Maintenance Schedule :

The company should ensure that

→ The ship is maintained as per relevant rules and additional company requirement.

→ Regular inspections are held.

→ Any non-conformity is reported & corrective action is taken.

→ Records of these activities are maintained.

→ Identify equipment and technical systems, the sudden failure of which may result in hazardous situations and specific measure is taken including the regular testing of stand-by arrangements and equipments or technical systems that are not in continuous use.

→ The ship’s routine inspection & operational maintenance is carried out.

Documentation :

The company should :

→ Establish & maintain procedures to control all documents and data , relevant to SMS.

→ Ensure that valid documents are available at all relevant locations.

→ Obsolete documents are promptly removed.

→ Changes to documents are reviewed and approved by MCA.

Company Verification, Review & Evaluation :

The company should :

→ Carry out Internal safety audits to verify the compliance of SMS.

→ Periodically evaluate the efficiency of and review the SMS.

Certification :

DOC – For shore side aspects of SMS.

→ It is specific ship type.

→ Before the DOC can be issued, the SMS must have been in place for 3 months on board any specific ship type.

→ An external audit by MCA then approve and issue DOC (Interim for up to 12 months or full DOC up to 5 years -subject to annual DOC verification by MCA).


→ For each ship in the fleet.

→ Once the company obtains DOC, every ship of that type will be subjected to an external audit by MCA.

→ Then the ship will be issued SMC (Interim for up to 6 months / full SMC up to 5 years – subject to at least one Intermediate verification Between 2nd & 3rd anniversary of the issue of SMC).

Duties Of Safety Officer :

→ Ensure that the provisions of the COSWP and employers Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) policies are complied with.

→ Make OHS inspections of the ship every 3 months.

→ Carry out risk assessment before any important jobs.

Stop any work,which may cause a serious accident. Then inform Master for further action.

→ Investigate accidents and potential hazards.

→ Organize safety committee meeting.

→ Give recommendations and suggestions to Master/Employer regarding safety matter.

→ Motivate the crew to improve the safety awareness.

→ The safety awareness can be improved by :

→ Safety movies & posters.

→ Presence of publications- COSWP.

→ Table top meeting –discuss SMS procedures.

→ Regular drill & exercises.

→ Maintenance of safety equipment.

→ Permit to work system.

→ Accident & incident reports.

→ Open door policy for safety matters.

→ Maintain a record, detailing:-

→ Accidents

→ Statements

→ Other investigations

→ Complaints

→ Representations and recommendations.

→ The safety record should be available for inspection by-

→ Safety representative

→ Safety committee

→ The Master

→ MCA.

Duties of Safety Committee :

→ Ensure that the provision of the Code of Safe Working Practices are complied with.

→ Ensure the observance of the employer’s occupational health and safety policies.

→ Consider and take any appropriate action in respect of any occupational health and safety matters affecting the crew.

→ Improve the standard of safety consciousness among the crew.

→ Make representations and recommendations on behalf of the crew to the employer.

→ Keep a record of all proceedings.

→ Inspect any of the Safety Officer’s records. 

more than 5 crew up to 15 crew more than 15 but less than 30 crew more than 30 crew
A safety officer A safety officer A safety officer A safety officer
Officer & ratings may elect a safety rep One safety representative
One safety rep. for the officers
One safety rep. for the ratings.
One safety rep. for each department

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