Saturday, September 10, 2016

Quiz on the Cardinal Mark is divided into three parts. This is the first part of the series. Here we will have to recognize the buoy, their retro reflector and the lights of the same. Good luck!!!!!

1. What is the name of the buoy ?

North Cardinal Mark
East Cardinal Mark
South Cardinal Mark
West Cardinal Mark

2. What is the rhythm of light?
Group Flash 9 (Q - 15s / VQ – 10s)
Continuous Flashing Q / VQ
Group Flash 3 ( Q - 10s / VQ - 5s )
Group Flash 6 ( Q - 15s / VQ – 10s ) Followed by 1 Long Flash

3. What is the color of Retro-reflector?
Blue On The Black Part And Yellow on the Yellow Part
Two Yellow on the upper Yellow Part
Two Blue Band On The Upper Black Part
Blue On The Yellow Part And Yellow on the Blue Part

4. What is the name of the buoy ?

North Cardinal Mark
East Cardinal Mark
South Cardinal Mark
West Cardinal Mark

5. What is the rhythm of light?
Group Flash 9 (Q - 15s / VQ – 10s)
Continuous Flashing Q / VQ
Group Flash 3 ( Q - 10s / VQ - 5s )
Group Flash 6 ( Q - 15s / VQ – 10s ) Followed by 1 Long Flash

6. What is the color of Retro-reflector?
Two Yellow on the upper Yellow Part
Two Blue Band On The Upper Black Part
Blue On The Black Part And Yellow on the Yellow Part
Blue On The Yellow Part And Yellow on the Black Part

7. What is the name of the buoy ?

North Cardinal Mark
East Cardinal Mark
South Cardinal Mark
West Cardinal Mark

8. What is the rhythm of light?
Group Flash 9 (Q - 15s / VQ – 10s)
Continuous Flashing Q / VQ
Group Flash 3 ( Q - 10s / VQ - 5s )
Group Flash 6 ( Q - 15s / VQ – 10s ) Followed by 1 Long Flash

9. What is the color of Retro-reflector?
Blue On The Yellow Part And Yellow on the Black Part
Blue On The Black Part And Yellow on the Yellow Part
Two Blue Band On The Upper Black Part
Two Yellow on the upper Yellow Part

10. What is the name of the buoy ?

North Cardinal Mark
East Cardinal Mark
South Cardinal Mark
West Cardinal Mark

11. What is the rhythm of light?
Group Flash 9 (Q - 15s / VQ – 10s)
Group Flash 3 ( Q - 10s / VQ - 5s )
Continuous Flashing Q / VQ
Group Flash 6 ( Q - 15s / VQ – 10s ) Followed by 1 Long Flash

12. What is the color of Retro-reflector?
Two Yellow on the upper Yellow Part
Blue On The Black Part And Yellow on the Yellow Part
Two Blue Band On The Upper Black Part
Blue On The Yellow Part And Yellow on the Black Part

13. What is the color used for Cardinal Mark Buoy?

Score =

Quiz ( Cardinal Mark ) - Part 01

Quiz on the Cardinal Mark is divided into three parts. This is the first part of the series. Here we will have to recognize the buoy, their retro reflector and the lights of the same. Good luck!!!!!

1. What is the name of the buoy ?

North Cardinal Mark
East Cardinal Mark
South Cardinal Mark
West Cardinal Mark

2. What is the rhythm of light?
Group Flash 9 (Q - 15s / VQ – 10s)
Continuous Flashing Q / VQ
Group Flash 3 ( Q - 10s / VQ - 5s )
Group Flash 6 ( Q - 15s / VQ – 10s ) Followed by 1 Long Flash

3. What is the color of Retro-reflector?
Blue On The Black Part And Yellow on the Yellow Part
Two Yellow on the upper Yellow Part
Two Blue Band On The Upper Black Part
Blue On The Yellow Part And Yellow on the Blue Part

4. What is the name of the buoy ?

North Cardinal Mark
East Cardinal Mark
South Cardinal Mark
West Cardinal Mark

5. What is the rhythm of light?
Group Flash 9 (Q - 15s / VQ – 10s)
Continuous Flashing Q / VQ
Group Flash 3 ( Q - 10s / VQ - 5s )
Group Flash 6 ( Q - 15s / VQ – 10s ) Followed by 1 Long Flash

6. What is the color of Retro-reflector?
Two Yellow on the upper Yellow Part
Two Blue Band On The Upper Black Part
Blue On The Black Part And Yellow on the Yellow Part
Blue On The Yellow Part And Yellow on the Black Part

7. What is the name of the buoy ?

North Cardinal Mark
East Cardinal Mark
South Cardinal Mark
West Cardinal Mark

8. What is the rhythm of light?
Group Flash 9 (Q - 15s / VQ – 10s)
Continuous Flashing Q / VQ
Group Flash 3 ( Q - 10s / VQ - 5s )
Group Flash 6 ( Q - 15s / VQ – 10s ) Followed by 1 Long Flash

9. What is the color of Retro-reflector?
Blue On The Yellow Part And Yellow on the Black Part
Blue On The Black Part And Yellow on the Yellow Part
Two Blue Band On The Upper Black Part
Two Yellow on the upper Yellow Part

10. What is the name of the buoy ?

North Cardinal Mark
East Cardinal Mark
South Cardinal Mark
West Cardinal Mark

11. What is the rhythm of light?
Group Flash 9 (Q - 15s / VQ – 10s)
Group Flash 3 ( Q - 10s / VQ - 5s )
Continuous Flashing Q / VQ
Group Flash 6 ( Q - 15s / VQ – 10s ) Followed by 1 Long Flash

12. What is the color of Retro-reflector?
Two Yellow on the upper Yellow Part
Blue On The Black Part And Yellow on the Yellow Part
Two Blue Band On The Upper Black Part
Blue On The Yellow Part And Yellow on the Black Part

13. What is the color used for Cardinal Mark Buoy?

Score =

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Methane Emission :
Coal cargoes may emit methane gas which is flammable. A methane/air mixture containing between 5% and 16% methane constitutes an explosive atmosphere that can be ignited by sparks or naked flame. Accumulation of this gas in the hold may also result in leakage into adjacent spaces. Normally all holds should be surface ventilated for the first 24 hours after departure from the loading port. If the methane concentration is found to be acceptably low at the end of this period the ventilators are closed. On the other hand, if the concentration of methane as measured is over 20% of the LEL (Lower Explosive Limit), adequate surface ventilation is to be maintained to reduce the concentration.

Self Heating:
Some coals may be subject to self-heating that could lead to spontaneous combustion in the cargo space . To control the start of potential self-heating the hatches are kept closed and surface ventilation is limited to the absolute minimum time to remove any accumulated methane. Any self-heating is indicated by increasing concentration of carbon monoxide in the hold. It is toxic by inhalation, with an affinity for blood hemoglobin over 200 times that of oxygen.

Reasonable Trimming:
The Code requires that prior to departure the cargo should be trimmed reasonably level to the boundaries of the cargo space to avoid the formation of gas pockets and to prevent air permeating the body of the coal. This aspect is sometimes ignored in the rush to sail from the port and untrimmed holds can contribute to self-heating during the voyage.

Measuring Instruments:
Ships engaged in the carriage of coal should carry on board an instrument for measuring methane, oxygen and carbon monoxide gas concentrations so that the atmosphere within the cargo space may be monitored. The ships should also be provided with equipment suitable for taking a sample to be read by the instrument and sampling points sited on the hatch coamings as high as possible in accordance with Appendix G of the BC Code.

Safety, when carrying coal cargoes:
The equipment should be serviced and instruments calibrated at regular intervals in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the ship staff trained in the use of the equipment. Regular gas monitoring of the cargoes provides the necessary information for detecting at an early stage potential problems and following appropriate procedures for safe carriage.
With the exception of ships engaged on coastal voyages of short duration which need not be provided with carbon monoxide gas monitoring equipment, all ships engaged in the trade should be provided with the equipment and fitted out as required by the Code as soon as possible.

Depletion of Oxygen:
Coals may be subject to oxidation, leading to depletion of oxygen and an increase in carbon dioxide in the cargo space.

Reaction with Water:
Some coals may be liable to react with water and produce acids which may cause corrosion. Flammable and toxic gases, including hydrogen, may be produced. Hydrogen is an odorless gas, much lighter than air, and has flammable limits in air of 4% to 75% by volume.

Segregation and stowage requirements
       a) Boundaries of cargo spaces where materials are carried should be resistant to fire and liquids.
       b) Coals should be “separated from” goods of classes 1 (division 1.4), 2, 3, 4, and 5 in packaged form (see IMDG Code) and “separated from” solid bulk materials of classes 4 and 5.1.
       c) Stowage of goods of class 5.1 in packaged form or solid bulk materials of class 5.1 above or below a coal cargo should be prohibited.
       d) Coals should be “separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from” goods of class 1 other than division 1.4.

General requirements for all coals
1. Prior to loading, the shipper or his appointed agent should provide in writing to the master the characteristics of the cargo and the recommended safe handling procedures for loading and transport of the cargo. As a minimum, the cargo’s contract specifications for moisture content, sulphur content and size should be stated, and especially whether the cargo may be liable to emit methane or self-heat. 

2. The master should be satisfied that he has received such information prior to accepting the cargo. If the shipper has advised that the cargo is liable to emit methane or self-heat, the master should additionally refer to the “Special precautions”. 

3. Before and during loading, and while the material remains on board, the master should observe the following:
       a) All cargo spaces and bilge wells should be clean and dry. Any residue of waste material or previous cargo should be removed, including removable cargo battens, before loading.
       b) All electrical cables and components situated in cargo spaces and adjacent spaces should be free from defects. Such cables and electrical components should be safe for use in an explosive atmosphere or positively isolated.
       c) The ship should be suitably fitted and carry on board appropriate instruments for measuring the following without requiring entry in the cargo space:
             1. concentration of methane in the atmosphere;
             2. concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere;
             3. concentration of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere;
             4. pH value of cargo hold bilge samples.
These instruments should be regularly serviced and calibrated. Ship personnel should be trained in the use of such instruments.

4. It is recommended that means be provided for measuring the temperature of the cargo in the range 0°C to 100°C. Such arrangements should enable the temperature of the coal to be measured while being loaded and during the voyage without requiring entry into the cargo space. 

5. The ship should carry on board the self-contained breathing apparatus.

6. Smoking and the use of naked flames should not be permitted in the cargo areas and adjacent spaces and appropriate warning notices should be posted in conspicuous places. 

7. Burning, cutting, chipping, welding or other sources of ignition should not be permitted in the vicinity of cargo spaces or in other adjacent spaces, unless the space has been properly ventilated and the methane gas measurements indicate it is safe to do so. 

8. The master should ensure that the coal cargo is not stowed adjacent to hot areas. 

9. Prior to departure, the master should be satisfied that the surface of the material has been trimmed reasonably level to the boundaries of the cargo space to avoid the formation of gas pockets and to prevent air from permeating the body of the coal. Casings leading into the cargo space should be adequately sealed. The shipper should ensure that the master receives the necessary co-operation from the loading terminal. 

10. The atmosphere in the space above the cargo in each cargo space should be regularly monitored for the presence of methane, oxygen and carbon monoxide. Records of these readings should be maintained. The frequency of the testing should depend upon the information provided by the shipper and the information obtained through the analysis of the atmosphere in the cargo space. 

11. Unless expressly directed otherwise, all holds should be surface ventilated for the first 24 hours after departure from the loading port. During this period, one measurement should be taken from one sample point per hold. If after 24 hours the methane concentrations are at an acceptably low level, the ventilators should be closed. If not, they should remain open until acceptably low levels are obtained. In either event, measurements should be continued on a daily basis.
If significant concentrations of methane subsequently occur in unventilated holds, the appropriate special precautions as described in section 2.2.1 should apply.

12. The master should ensure, as far as possible, that any gases which may be emitted from the materials do not accumulate in adjacent enclosed spaces. 

13. The master should ensure that enclosed working spaces, e.g. store-rooms, carpenter’s shop, passage ways, tunnels, etc., are regularly monitored for the presence of methane, oxygen and carbon monoxide. Such spaces should be adequately ventilated. 

14. Regular hold bilge testing should be systematically carried out. If the pH monitoring indicates that a corrosion risk exists, the master should ensure that all bilges are kept dry during the voyage in order to avoid possible accumulation of acids on tank tops and in the bilge system. 

15. If the behavior of the cargo during the voyage differs from that specified in the cargo declaration, the master should report such differences to the shipper. Such reports will enable the shipper to maintain records on the behavior of the coal cargoes, so that the information provided to the master can be reviewed in the light of transport experience. 

16. The Administration may approve alternative requirements to those recommended in this schedule.

Special precautions

Coals emitting methane :
If the shipper has advised that the cargo is liable to emit methane or analysis of the atmosphere in the cargo space indicates the presence of methane in excess of 20% of the lower explosion limit (LEL) , the following additional precautions should be taken: 

1. Adequate surface ventilation should be maintained. On no account should air be directed into the body of the coal as air could promote self-heating. 

2. Care should be taken to vent any accumulated gases prior to removal of the hatch covers or other openings for any reason, including unloading. Cargo hatches and other openings should be opened carefully to avoid creating sparks. Smoking and the use of naked flame should be prohibited. 

3. Personnel should not be permitted to enter the cargo space or enclosed adjacent spaces unless the space has been ventilated and the atmosphere tested and found to be gas-free and to have sufficient oxygen to support life. If this is not possible, emergency entry into the space should be undertaken only by trained personnel wearing self-contained breathing apparatus, under the supervision of a responsible officer. In addition, special precautions to ensure that no source of ignition is carried into the space should be observed (see also section 3 and appendix F). 

4. The master should ensure that enclosed working spaces, e.g. store-rooms, carpenter’s shops, passage ways, tunnels, etc., are regularly monitored for the presence of methane. Such spaces should be adequately ventilated and, in the case of mechanical ventilation, only equipment safe for use in an explosive atmosphere should be used. Testing is especially important prior to permitting personnel to enter such spaces or energizing equipment within those spaces.

Self-heating coals :
1. If the shipper has advised that the cargo is liable to self-heat, the master should seek confirmation that the precautions intended to be taken and the procedures intended for monitoring the cargo during the voyage are adequate. 

2. If the cargo is liable to self-heat or analysis of the atmosphere in the cargo space indicates an increasing concentration of carbon monoxide, then the following additional precautions should be taken:
       a) The hatches should be closed immediately after completion of loading in each cargo space. The hatch covers can also be additionally sealed with a suitable sealing tape. Surface ventilation should be limited to the absolute minimum time necessary to remove methane which may have accumulated. Forced ventilation should not be used. On no account should air be directed into the body of the coal as air could promote self-heating.
       b) Personnel should not be allowed to enter the cargo space, unless they are wearing self-contained breathing apparatus and access is critical to the safety of the ship or safety of life. The self-contained breathing apparatus should be worn only by personnel trained in its use.
       c) When required by the competent authority, the carbon monoxide concentration in each cargo space should be measured at regular time intervals to detect self-heating.
       d) If at the time of loading, when the hatches are open, the temperature of the coal exceeds 55°C, expert advice should be obtained.
       e) If the carbon monoxide level is increasing steadily, a potential self-heating may be developing. The cargo space should be completely closed down and all ventilation ceased. The master should seek expert advice immediately. Water should not be used for cooling the material or fighting coal cargo fires at sea, but may be used for cooling the boundaries of the cargo space.
       f) Information to be passed to owners.
The most comprehensive record of measurements will always be the log used to record daily results. The coal cargo monitoring log for the voyage should be faxed, or the appropriate content should be telexed to the vessel’s owners. 

The following minimum information is essential if an accurate assessment of the situation is to be achieved.
(a) identity of the holds involved; monitoring results covering carbon monoxide, methane and oxygen concentrations;
(b) if available, temperature of coal, location and method used to obtain results;
(c) time gas samples taken (monitoring routine);
(d) time ventilators opened/closed;
(e) quantity of coal in hold(s) involved;
(f) type of coal as per shipper’s declaration, and any special precautions indicated on declaration;
(g) date loaded, and ETA at intended discharge port (which should be specified); and
(h) comments or observations from the ship’s master.


Carbon monoxide monitoring, when conducted in accordance with the following recommendations, will provide a reliable early indication of self-heating within a coal cargo. This allows preventive action to be considered without delay. A steady rise in the level of carbon monoxide detected within a hold is conclusive indication that self-heating is taking place. 

All vessels engaged in the carriage of coal should carry on board an instrument for measuring methane, oxygen and carbon monoxide gas concentrations, so that the atmosphere within the cargo space may be monitored. This instrument should be regularly serviced and calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. When properly maintained and operated, this instrument will provide reliable data about the atmosphere within the cargo space. Care needs to be exercised in interpreting methane measurements carried out in the low oxygen concentrations often found in unventilated cargo holds. The catalytic sensors normally used for the detection of methane rely on the presence of sufficient oxygen for accurate measurement. This phenomenon does not affect the measurement of carbon monoxide, or measurement of methane by infrared sensor. Further guidance may be obtained from the instrument manufacturer.

An instrument is required which is capable of measuring methane, oxygen and carbon monoxide concentrations. The instrument should be fitted with an aspirator, flexible connection and a length of tubing to enable a representative sample to be obtained from within the square of the hatch. Stainless steel tubing approximately 0.5 m in length and 6 mm nominal internal diameter with an integral stainless steel threaded collar is preferred. The collar is necessary to provide an adequate seal at the sampling point.
A suitable filter should be used to protect the instrument against the ingress of moisture as recommended by the manufacturer. The presence of even a small amount of moisture will compromise the accuracy of the measurement.

Carriage Of Coal Cargo

Methane Emission :
Coal cargoes may emit methane gas which is flammable. A methane/air mixture containing between 5% and 16% methane constitutes an explosive atmosphere that can be ignited by sparks or naked flame. Accumulation of this gas in the hold may also result in leakage into adjacent spaces. Normally all holds should be surface ventilated for the first 24 hours after departure from the loading port. If the methane concentration is found to be acceptably low at the end of this period the ventilators are closed. On the other hand, if the concentration of methane as measured is over 20% of the LEL (Lower Explosive Limit), adequate surface ventilation is to be maintained to reduce the concentration.

Self Heating:
Some coals may be subject to self-heating that could lead to spontaneous combustion in the cargo space . To control the start of potential self-heating the hatches are kept closed and surface ventilation is limited to the absolute minimum time to remove any accumulated methane. Any self-heating is indicated by increasing concentration of carbon monoxide in the hold. It is toxic by inhalation, with an affinity for blood hemoglobin over 200 times that of oxygen.

Reasonable Trimming:
The Code requires that prior to departure the cargo should be trimmed reasonably level to the boundaries of the cargo space to avoid the formation of gas pockets and to prevent air permeating the body of the coal. This aspect is sometimes ignored in the rush to sail from the port and untrimmed holds can contribute to self-heating during the voyage.

Measuring Instruments:
Ships engaged in the carriage of coal should carry on board an instrument for measuring methane, oxygen and carbon monoxide gas concentrations so that the atmosphere within the cargo space may be monitored. The ships should also be provided with equipment suitable for taking a sample to be read by the instrument and sampling points sited on the hatch coamings as high as possible in accordance with Appendix G of the BC Code.

Safety, when carrying coal cargoes:
The equipment should be serviced and instruments calibrated at regular intervals in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the ship staff trained in the use of the equipment. Regular gas monitoring of the cargoes provides the necessary information for detecting at an early stage potential problems and following appropriate procedures for safe carriage.
With the exception of ships engaged on coastal voyages of short duration which need not be provided with carbon monoxide gas monitoring equipment, all ships engaged in the trade should be provided with the equipment and fitted out as required by the Code as soon as possible.

Depletion of Oxygen:
Coals may be subject to oxidation, leading to depletion of oxygen and an increase in carbon dioxide in the cargo space.

Reaction with Water:
Some coals may be liable to react with water and produce acids which may cause corrosion. Flammable and toxic gases, including hydrogen, may be produced. Hydrogen is an odorless gas, much lighter than air, and has flammable limits in air of 4% to 75% by volume.

Segregation and stowage requirements
       a) Boundaries of cargo spaces where materials are carried should be resistant to fire and liquids.
       b) Coals should be “separated from” goods of classes 1 (division 1.4), 2, 3, 4, and 5 in packaged form (see IMDG Code) and “separated from” solid bulk materials of classes 4 and 5.1.
       c) Stowage of goods of class 5.1 in packaged form or solid bulk materials of class 5.1 above or below a coal cargo should be prohibited.
       d) Coals should be “separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from” goods of class 1 other than division 1.4.

General requirements for all coals
1. Prior to loading, the shipper or his appointed agent should provide in writing to the master the characteristics of the cargo and the recommended safe handling procedures for loading and transport of the cargo. As a minimum, the cargo’s contract specifications for moisture content, sulphur content and size should be stated, and especially whether the cargo may be liable to emit methane or self-heat. 

2. The master should be satisfied that he has received such information prior to accepting the cargo. If the shipper has advised that the cargo is liable to emit methane or self-heat, the master should additionally refer to the “Special precautions”. 

3. Before and during loading, and while the material remains on board, the master should observe the following:
       a) All cargo spaces and bilge wells should be clean and dry. Any residue of waste material or previous cargo should be removed, including removable cargo battens, before loading.
       b) All electrical cables and components situated in cargo spaces and adjacent spaces should be free from defects. Such cables and electrical components should be safe for use in an explosive atmosphere or positively isolated.
       c) The ship should be suitably fitted and carry on board appropriate instruments for measuring the following without requiring entry in the cargo space:
             1. concentration of methane in the atmosphere;
             2. concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere;
             3. concentration of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere;
             4. pH value of cargo hold bilge samples.
These instruments should be regularly serviced and calibrated. Ship personnel should be trained in the use of such instruments.

4. It is recommended that means be provided for measuring the temperature of the cargo in the range 0°C to 100°C. Such arrangements should enable the temperature of the coal to be measured while being loaded and during the voyage without requiring entry into the cargo space. 

5. The ship should carry on board the self-contained breathing apparatus.

6. Smoking and the use of naked flames should not be permitted in the cargo areas and adjacent spaces and appropriate warning notices should be posted in conspicuous places. 

7. Burning, cutting, chipping, welding or other sources of ignition should not be permitted in the vicinity of cargo spaces or in other adjacent spaces, unless the space has been properly ventilated and the methane gas measurements indicate it is safe to do so. 

8. The master should ensure that the coal cargo is not stowed adjacent to hot areas. 

9. Prior to departure, the master should be satisfied that the surface of the material has been trimmed reasonably level to the boundaries of the cargo space to avoid the formation of gas pockets and to prevent air from permeating the body of the coal. Casings leading into the cargo space should be adequately sealed. The shipper should ensure that the master receives the necessary co-operation from the loading terminal. 

10. The atmosphere in the space above the cargo in each cargo space should be regularly monitored for the presence of methane, oxygen and carbon monoxide. Records of these readings should be maintained. The frequency of the testing should depend upon the information provided by the shipper and the information obtained through the analysis of the atmosphere in the cargo space. 

11. Unless expressly directed otherwise, all holds should be surface ventilated for the first 24 hours after departure from the loading port. During this period, one measurement should be taken from one sample point per hold. If after 24 hours the methane concentrations are at an acceptably low level, the ventilators should be closed. If not, they should remain open until acceptably low levels are obtained. In either event, measurements should be continued on a daily basis.
If significant concentrations of methane subsequently occur in unventilated holds, the appropriate special precautions as described in section 2.2.1 should apply.

12. The master should ensure, as far as possible, that any gases which may be emitted from the materials do not accumulate in adjacent enclosed spaces. 

13. The master should ensure that enclosed working spaces, e.g. store-rooms, carpenter’s shop, passage ways, tunnels, etc., are regularly monitored for the presence of methane, oxygen and carbon monoxide. Such spaces should be adequately ventilated. 

14. Regular hold bilge testing should be systematically carried out. If the pH monitoring indicates that a corrosion risk exists, the master should ensure that all bilges are kept dry during the voyage in order to avoid possible accumulation of acids on tank tops and in the bilge system. 

15. If the behavior of the cargo during the voyage differs from that specified in the cargo declaration, the master should report such differences to the shipper. Such reports will enable the shipper to maintain records on the behavior of the coal cargoes, so that the information provided to the master can be reviewed in the light of transport experience. 

16. The Administration may approve alternative requirements to those recommended in this schedule.

Special precautions

Coals emitting methane :
If the shipper has advised that the cargo is liable to emit methane or analysis of the atmosphere in the cargo space indicates the presence of methane in excess of 20% of the lower explosion limit (LEL) , the following additional precautions should be taken: 

1. Adequate surface ventilation should be maintained. On no account should air be directed into the body of the coal as air could promote self-heating. 

2. Care should be taken to vent any accumulated gases prior to removal of the hatch covers or other openings for any reason, including unloading. Cargo hatches and other openings should be opened carefully to avoid creating sparks. Smoking and the use of naked flame should be prohibited. 

3. Personnel should not be permitted to enter the cargo space or enclosed adjacent spaces unless the space has been ventilated and the atmosphere tested and found to be gas-free and to have sufficient oxygen to support life. If this is not possible, emergency entry into the space should be undertaken only by trained personnel wearing self-contained breathing apparatus, under the supervision of a responsible officer. In addition, special precautions to ensure that no source of ignition is carried into the space should be observed (see also section 3 and appendix F). 

4. The master should ensure that enclosed working spaces, e.g. store-rooms, carpenter’s shops, passage ways, tunnels, etc., are regularly monitored for the presence of methane. Such spaces should be adequately ventilated and, in the case of mechanical ventilation, only equipment safe for use in an explosive atmosphere should be used. Testing is especially important prior to permitting personnel to enter such spaces or energizing equipment within those spaces.

Self-heating coals :
1. If the shipper has advised that the cargo is liable to self-heat, the master should seek confirmation that the precautions intended to be taken and the procedures intended for monitoring the cargo during the voyage are adequate. 

2. If the cargo is liable to self-heat or analysis of the atmosphere in the cargo space indicates an increasing concentration of carbon monoxide, then the following additional precautions should be taken:
       a) The hatches should be closed immediately after completion of loading in each cargo space. The hatch covers can also be additionally sealed with a suitable sealing tape. Surface ventilation should be limited to the absolute minimum time necessary to remove methane which may have accumulated. Forced ventilation should not be used. On no account should air be directed into the body of the coal as air could promote self-heating.
       b) Personnel should not be allowed to enter the cargo space, unless they are wearing self-contained breathing apparatus and access is critical to the safety of the ship or safety of life. The self-contained breathing apparatus should be worn only by personnel trained in its use.
       c) When required by the competent authority, the carbon monoxide concentration in each cargo space should be measured at regular time intervals to detect self-heating.
       d) If at the time of loading, when the hatches are open, the temperature of the coal exceeds 55°C, expert advice should be obtained.
       e) If the carbon monoxide level is increasing steadily, a potential self-heating may be developing. The cargo space should be completely closed down and all ventilation ceased. The master should seek expert advice immediately. Water should not be used for cooling the material or fighting coal cargo fires at sea, but may be used for cooling the boundaries of the cargo space.
       f) Information to be passed to owners.
The most comprehensive record of measurements will always be the log used to record daily results. The coal cargo monitoring log for the voyage should be faxed, or the appropriate content should be telexed to the vessel’s owners. 

The following minimum information is essential if an accurate assessment of the situation is to be achieved.
(a) identity of the holds involved; monitoring results covering carbon monoxide, methane and oxygen concentrations;
(b) if available, temperature of coal, location and method used to obtain results;
(c) time gas samples taken (monitoring routine);
(d) time ventilators opened/closed;
(e) quantity of coal in hold(s) involved;
(f) type of coal as per shipper’s declaration, and any special precautions indicated on declaration;
(g) date loaded, and ETA at intended discharge port (which should be specified); and
(h) comments or observations from the ship’s master.


Carbon monoxide monitoring, when conducted in accordance with the following recommendations, will provide a reliable early indication of self-heating within a coal cargo. This allows preventive action to be considered without delay. A steady rise in the level of carbon monoxide detected within a hold is conclusive indication that self-heating is taking place. 

All vessels engaged in the carriage of coal should carry on board an instrument for measuring methane, oxygen and carbon monoxide gas concentrations, so that the atmosphere within the cargo space may be monitored. This instrument should be regularly serviced and calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. When properly maintained and operated, this instrument will provide reliable data about the atmosphere within the cargo space. Care needs to be exercised in interpreting methane measurements carried out in the low oxygen concentrations often found in unventilated cargo holds. The catalytic sensors normally used for the detection of methane rely on the presence of sufficient oxygen for accurate measurement. This phenomenon does not affect the measurement of carbon monoxide, or measurement of methane by infrared sensor. Further guidance may be obtained from the instrument manufacturer.

An instrument is required which is capable of measuring methane, oxygen and carbon monoxide concentrations. The instrument should be fitted with an aspirator, flexible connection and a length of tubing to enable a representative sample to be obtained from within the square of the hatch. Stainless steel tubing approximately 0.5 m in length and 6 mm nominal internal diameter with an integral stainless steel threaded collar is preferred. The collar is necessary to provide an adequate seal at the sampling point.
A suitable filter should be used to protect the instrument against the ingress of moisture as recommended by the manufacturer. The presence of even a small amount of moisture will compromise the accuracy of the measurement.
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Williamson turn -

o Rudder hard over to casualty side.
o When deviation to 60o, rudder hard over to opposite side.
o When ship is 20o short of opposite course,rudder midship,ship to be turned on opposite course.

Scharnow turn –

o Rudder hard over to casualty side.
o After deviation from the original course by 240o, rudder hard over to opposite side.
o When heading 20o short of opposite course , wheel midship and bring ship on opposite course.

Single turn –

o Rudder hard over to the casualty side.
o After deviation from the original course by 250o, rudder to midship position and stopping maneuver to be initiated.

Search And Rescue Turns

Williamson turn -

o Rudder hard over to casualty side.
o When deviation to 60o, rudder hard over to opposite side.
o When ship is 20o short of opposite course,rudder midship,ship to be turned on opposite course.

Scharnow turn –

o Rudder hard over to casualty side.
o After deviation from the original course by 240o, rudder hard over to opposite side.
o When heading 20o short of opposite course , wheel midship and bring ship on opposite course.

Single turn –

o Rudder hard over to the casualty side.
o After deviation from the original course by 250o, rudder to midship position and stopping maneuver to be initiated.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Section (a) :

           o Ship’s particulars and certification.

           o Method used to ensure availability of radio facilities.

           o Details of shore based maintenance.

Section (b) :

           o Details of radio personnel.

           o Name of person responsible for distress communications.

Section (c) :

           o A summary of distress, urgency & safety communications.

           o A record of important incidents-malfunction, loss of communication, adverse propagation etc.

           o Maintenance of equipment.

           o Ship’s position once a day.

           o Details of tests and checks (daily, weekly, monthly).

Radio Tests Required:

Daily :

           o The proper functioning of the DSC facilities shall be tested at least once each day, without radiation of signals, by use of the means provided on the equipment.

           o Batteries providing a source of energy for any part of the radio installations shall be tested daily,and where necessary, brought up to the fully charged condition.

           o Printer(s) shall be checked daily to ensure there is an adequate supply of paper.

Weekly :

           o The proper operation of the DSC facilities shall be tested at least once a week by means of a test call when within communication range of a coast station fitted with DSC equipment. Where a ship has been out of communication range of a coast station fitted with DSC equipment for a period of longer than one week, a test call shall be made on the first opportunity that the ship is within communication range such as a coast station.

           o Where the reserve source of energy is not a battery (for example, a motor generator), the reserve source of energy shall be tested weekly.

Monthly :

           o Each EPIRB and satellite EPIRB shall be tested at least once a month to determine its capability to operate properly using the means provided on the device and without using the satellite system.

           o Each search and rescue radar transponder shall be checked at least once a month using the in-built test facility and checked for security and signs of damage.

           o A check shall be made at least once a month on the security and condition of all batteries providing a source of energy for any part of a radio installation. The battery connections and compartment shall also be checked.

           o A check shall be made at least once a month on the conditions of all aerials and insulators.

           o Each survival craft two-way VHF equipment shall be tested at least once a month on a frequency other than 156.8 MHz (VHF Channel 16).

Acknowledgement of Distress alerts:

            o Upon receiving a DSC Distress alert all stations should immediately cease all traffic and listen on the RT Distress frequency in the same frequency band, unless it is indicated otherwise (F1B Telex).

CRS expected to respond :

1. Set watch RT VHF Channel 16./ MF 2182 KHZ.
2. Wait for CRS to acknowledge.
3. Acknowledge by RT.
4. If nil heard by RT and a repeat DSC alert is received, Relay Ashore by any means.
5. Acknowledge by DSC only on the instructions of a CRS.
A1, A2
A1, A2, A3, A4
1. Set watch RT Distress Frequency in the same band.
2. Wait for at least 5 minutes for CRS to acknowledge.
3. If nil heard by RT and a repeat DSC alert is received, Relay Ashore by any means.
4. Under no circumstances should an HF DSC Distress Alert be acknowledged by DSC or voice (You are likely to be thousands of miles from the incident.).

CRS not expected to respond :

A2, A3, A4
1. Set watch RT VHF Channel 16./ MF 2182 KHZ.
2. Acknowledge by RT.
3. If nil heard by RT and a repeat DSC alert is received, Acknowledge by DSC.
4. Relay Ashore by any means.
A3, A4

RLB ( Radio Log Book )

Section (a) :

           o Ship’s particulars and certification.

           o Method used to ensure availability of radio facilities.

           o Details of shore based maintenance.

Section (b) :

           o Details of radio personnel.

           o Name of person responsible for distress communications.

Section (c) :

           o A summary of distress, urgency & safety communications.

           o A record of important incidents-malfunction, loss of communication, adverse propagation etc.

           o Maintenance of equipment.

           o Ship’s position once a day.

           o Details of tests and checks (daily, weekly, monthly).

Radio Tests Required:

Daily :

           o The proper functioning of the DSC facilities shall be tested at least once each day, without radiation of signals, by use of the means provided on the equipment.

           o Batteries providing a source of energy for any part of the radio installations shall be tested daily,and where necessary, brought up to the fully charged condition.

           o Printer(s) shall be checked daily to ensure there is an adequate supply of paper.

Weekly :

           o The proper operation of the DSC facilities shall be tested at least once a week by means of a test call when within communication range of a coast station fitted with DSC equipment. Where a ship has been out of communication range of a coast station fitted with DSC equipment for a period of longer than one week, a test call shall be made on the first opportunity that the ship is within communication range such as a coast station.

           o Where the reserve source of energy is not a battery (for example, a motor generator), the reserve source of energy shall be tested weekly.

Monthly :

           o Each EPIRB and satellite EPIRB shall be tested at least once a month to determine its capability to operate properly using the means provided on the device and without using the satellite system.

           o Each search and rescue radar transponder shall be checked at least once a month using the in-built test facility and checked for security and signs of damage.

           o A check shall be made at least once a month on the security and condition of all batteries providing a source of energy for any part of a radio installation. The battery connections and compartment shall also be checked.

           o A check shall be made at least once a month on the conditions of all aerials and insulators.

           o Each survival craft two-way VHF equipment shall be tested at least once a month on a frequency other than 156.8 MHz (VHF Channel 16).

Acknowledgement of Distress alerts:

            o Upon receiving a DSC Distress alert all stations should immediately cease all traffic and listen on the RT Distress frequency in the same frequency band, unless it is indicated otherwise (F1B Telex).

CRS expected to respond :

1. Set watch RT VHF Channel 16./ MF 2182 KHZ.
2. Wait for CRS to acknowledge.
3. Acknowledge by RT.
4. If nil heard by RT and a repeat DSC alert is received, Relay Ashore by any means.
5. Acknowledge by DSC only on the instructions of a CRS.
A1, A2
A1, A2, A3, A4
1. Set watch RT Distress Frequency in the same band.
2. Wait for at least 5 minutes for CRS to acknowledge.
3. If nil heard by RT and a repeat DSC alert is received, Relay Ashore by any means.
4. Under no circumstances should an HF DSC Distress Alert be acknowledged by DSC or voice (You are likely to be thousands of miles from the incident.).

CRS not expected to respond :

A2, A3, A4
1. Set watch RT VHF Channel 16./ MF 2182 KHZ.
2. Acknowledge by RT.
3. If nil heard by RT and a repeat DSC alert is received, Acknowledge by DSC.
4. Relay Ashore by any means.
A3, A4

Purpose of Ballast Water Exchange :

The ballast water exchange is carried out to minimize the risk of transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens via ships ballast water and sediments.

The ballast water exchange not to be undertaken :

Heavy weather, high seas / swell affecting vessel’s sea keeping or gentle motion in seaway.

Non-availability of personnel to manage the ballast exchange process.

General safety of personnel and high wind conditions, compromising of crew on deck.

Sub-zero weather and icing condition.

Vessel’s inability to pre calculated stability and stress for the whole process.

Main requirements of the BWM Convention :

→ Ballast water exchange should conduct at least 200 nautical miles from the nearest land and in water at least 200 meters in depth or in cases where the ship is unable to comply with the above, as far from the nearest land as possible, and in all cases at least 50 nautical miles from the nearest land and in water at least 200 meters depth.

Ships performing ballast water exchange, should do so with an efficiency of at least 95% volumetric exchange of ballast water. For ships exchanging the ballast water by the pumping-through method, pumping through three times the volume of each ballast tank will be considered equivalent to meeting the 95% standard.

Ships treating ballast water should adhere to a specific performance standard (the D-2 Standard), which sets stringent levels of organisms by volume in ships’ ballast water discharges.

Contents of Ballast Water Management Plan :

Ship’s particulars including the Officer in charge of BWE operation.

Duties and responsibilities of the Person in Charge of BWE and record keeping.

Entries required in BWM log:

           Record of ballast water management onboard.

           Narrative of events related to MWM onboard.

           Accidental or other exceptional uptake or discharges of ballast water.

Ship specific ballast water arrangement including ballast tanks and pumping arrangement.

Ballast water exchanging method for each ballast tank.

Example condition for pre-calculation & planning BWE.

Safety procedures to be followed while planning a ballast water exchange.

Warning on unsafe conditions for carrying out ballast water exchange.

Stresses and FSE during BWE operation.

Maximum / minimum drafts forward & aft, trim for propeller immersion and bridge visibility.

Crew training & familiarization procedures.

The factors during Sequential Method :

Shifting of ‘G’ during de-ballasting & ballasting.

Excessive stresses in seaway.

Free surface effect.

Emptying of certain tanks may lead to significantly reduced stability, higher vessel structural stresses, high sloshing pressures and/or reduced forward drafts which may then increase the probability of bow slamming.

The factors during Flow-through Method :

Vessel structural stresses that may be involved with conducting ballast water exchange.

Over-pressurization of a ballast tank or pumping equipment, which may lead to structural damage.

Ballast water exchange is not to be undertaken due to adverse weather, design limitations, equipment failures, loss of power or other extraordinary circumstances that could threaten human life or safety of the vessel.

A flow-through method that has water flowing on the deck is not recommended. The use of collecting pipes, internal overflow pipes or interconnecting pipe/trunk arrangements between tanks is to be used to avoid water flowing on the deck.

The flow-through method is not to be performed in weather conditions that would result in icing.

Ballast Water Management

Purpose of Ballast Water Exchange :

The ballast water exchange is carried out to minimize the risk of transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens via ships ballast water and sediments.

The ballast water exchange not to be undertaken :

Heavy weather, high seas / swell affecting vessel’s sea keeping or gentle motion in seaway.

Non-availability of personnel to manage the ballast exchange process.

General safety of personnel and high wind conditions, compromising of crew on deck.

Sub-zero weather and icing condition.

Vessel’s inability to pre calculated stability and stress for the whole process.

Main requirements of the BWM Convention :

→ Ballast water exchange should conduct at least 200 nautical miles from the nearest land and in water at least 200 meters in depth or in cases where the ship is unable to comply with the above, as far from the nearest land as possible, and in all cases at least 50 nautical miles from the nearest land and in water at least 200 meters depth.

Ships performing ballast water exchange, should do so with an efficiency of at least 95% volumetric exchange of ballast water. For ships exchanging the ballast water by the pumping-through method, pumping through three times the volume of each ballast tank will be considered equivalent to meeting the 95% standard.

Ships treating ballast water should adhere to a specific performance standard (the D-2 Standard), which sets stringent levels of organisms by volume in ships’ ballast water discharges.

Contents of Ballast Water Management Plan :

Ship’s particulars including the Officer in charge of BWE operation.

Duties and responsibilities of the Person in Charge of BWE and record keeping.

Entries required in BWM log:

           Record of ballast water management onboard.

           Narrative of events related to MWM onboard.

           Accidental or other exceptional uptake or discharges of ballast water.

Ship specific ballast water arrangement including ballast tanks and pumping arrangement.

Ballast water exchanging method for each ballast tank.

Example condition for pre-calculation & planning BWE.

Safety procedures to be followed while planning a ballast water exchange.

Warning on unsafe conditions for carrying out ballast water exchange.

Stresses and FSE during BWE operation.

Maximum / minimum drafts forward & aft, trim for propeller immersion and bridge visibility.

Crew training & familiarization procedures.

The factors during Sequential Method :

Shifting of ‘G’ during de-ballasting & ballasting.

Excessive stresses in seaway.

Free surface effect.

Emptying of certain tanks may lead to significantly reduced stability, higher vessel structural stresses, high sloshing pressures and/or reduced forward drafts which may then increase the probability of bow slamming.

The factors during Flow-through Method :

Vessel structural stresses that may be involved with conducting ballast water exchange.

Over-pressurization of a ballast tank or pumping equipment, which may lead to structural damage.

Ballast water exchange is not to be undertaken due to adverse weather, design limitations, equipment failures, loss of power or other extraordinary circumstances that could threaten human life or safety of the vessel.

A flow-through method that has water flowing on the deck is not recommended. The use of collecting pipes, internal overflow pipes or interconnecting pipe/trunk arrangements between tanks is to be used to avoid water flowing on the deck.

The flow-through method is not to be performed in weather conditions that would result in icing.
           o The International Maritime Organization (IMO) recommends the fitting of hull stress monitoring systems to facilitate the safe operation of ships carrying dry cargo in bulk. Use of the system will provide the Master and Officers of the ship with real-time information on the motions and global stress the ship experiences while navigating, and during loading and unloading operations. The HSMS is to be considered as an aid to the master. It does not replace his own judgement or responsibility. 
           o The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) recommends owners to fit hull stress monitoring systems on bulk carriers of 20,000 dwt and above.

           o Owners are invited to ensure that hull stress monitoring equipment is compatible with the VDR fitted and that all monitored data can be transmitted to the VDR.

           o It is essential that the assigning authority for the International Load Line Certificate to be consulted regarding the installation of the hull stress monitoring system and the determination of maximum permissible stresses and accelerations.


           o Long-based gauges for strain measurements, located on the main deck at different positions along the ship’s length, to detect stresses during loading, unloading or navigation taking due account of temperature effects. The gauges for strain measurement should be located on the main deck in way of each cargo hold and, if necessary, at the location where the maximum hull girder wave bending stress can be expected. They are to give information on the wave induced stresses and the mean value of still water stresses. By analyzing an offset to a mean value, an indication of water ingress into the holds can also be provided.

           o One accelerometer for measuring vertical accelerations at the bow.

           o Two accelerometers for measuring roll and sway, suitably located at the centre line of the ship. The accelerometers will give the vertical and transverse motion of the ship. By analyzing the frequency ranges of the signals from the vertical gauge, slamming information can also be provided.

           o A microprocessor to be used that can interpret sensor signals and compare these with the allowable levels approved by the Administration. To verify intermediate and final stages of loading and unloading operations, the HSMS can be linked to the loading calculator. The system visual and audible indications to indicate high stress or motion levels approaching threshold values.

           o A graphical display, supplemented by digital display as appropriate, suitable for the presentation of the censor information, taking due account of the importance of the human interface.

           o An electronic data storage to be used for recording device suitable for accumulating statistical information for feedback purposes.

           o Means for ensuring the integrity of the data are to be incorporated. Checks of the total system have to be done at intervals as agreed by the Administration.

           o The hardware and the software of the monitoring system should be approved by the Administration.

           o All appropriate officers should be fully trained with regard to the use and limitations of the monitoring system.

HSMS ( Hull Stress Monitoring Systems )

           o The International Maritime Organization (IMO) recommends the fitting of hull stress monitoring systems to facilitate the safe operation of ships carrying dry cargo in bulk. Use of the system will provide the Master and Officers of the ship with real-time information on the motions and global stress the ship experiences while navigating, and during loading and unloading operations. The HSMS is to be considered as an aid to the master. It does not replace his own judgement or responsibility. 
           o The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) recommends owners to fit hull stress monitoring systems on bulk carriers of 20,000 dwt and above.

           o Owners are invited to ensure that hull stress monitoring equipment is compatible with the VDR fitted and that all monitored data can be transmitted to the VDR.

           o It is essential that the assigning authority for the International Load Line Certificate to be consulted regarding the installation of the hull stress monitoring system and the determination of maximum permissible stresses and accelerations.


           o Long-based gauges for strain measurements, located on the main deck at different positions along the ship’s length, to detect stresses during loading, unloading or navigation taking due account of temperature effects. The gauges for strain measurement should be located on the main deck in way of each cargo hold and, if necessary, at the location where the maximum hull girder wave bending stress can be expected. They are to give information on the wave induced stresses and the mean value of still water stresses. By analyzing an offset to a mean value, an indication of water ingress into the holds can also be provided.

           o One accelerometer for measuring vertical accelerations at the bow.

           o Two accelerometers for measuring roll and sway, suitably located at the centre line of the ship. The accelerometers will give the vertical and transverse motion of the ship. By analyzing the frequency ranges of the signals from the vertical gauge, slamming information can also be provided.

           o A microprocessor to be used that can interpret sensor signals and compare these with the allowable levels approved by the Administration. To verify intermediate and final stages of loading and unloading operations, the HSMS can be linked to the loading calculator. The system visual and audible indications to indicate high stress or motion levels approaching threshold values.

           o A graphical display, supplemented by digital display as appropriate, suitable for the presentation of the censor information, taking due account of the importance of the human interface.

           o An electronic data storage to be used for recording device suitable for accumulating statistical information for feedback purposes.

           o Means for ensuring the integrity of the data are to be incorporated. Checks of the total system have to be done at intervals as agreed by the Administration.

           o The hardware and the software of the monitoring system should be approved by the Administration.

           o All appropriate officers should be fully trained with regard to the use and limitations of the monitoring system.
Water level detectors to be placed:

           → In each cargo hold, giving audible and visual alarms, one when the water level above the inner bottom in any hold reaches a height of 0.5m and another at a height not less than 15% of the depth of the cargo hold but not more than 2.0 m. The water level detectors shall be fitted in the aft end of the cargo holds. For cargo holds which are used for water ballast, an alarm overriding device may be installed. The visual alarms shall clearly discriminate between the two different level detectors in each hold.

           → In any ballast tank forward of the collision bulkhead require to give an audible and visual alarm when the liquid in the tank reaches a level not exceeding 10% of the tank capacity. An alarm overriding device may be installed to be activated when the tank is in use.

           → In any dry or void space other than a chain cable locker, any part of which extends forward of the foremost cargo hold, giving an audible and visual alarm at a water level of 0.1 m above the deck. Such alarms need not be provided in enclosed spaces the volume of which does not exceed 0.1% of the ship’s maximum displacement volume.

           → The audible and visual alarms shall be located on the navigation bridge.

Water level detector

Water level detectors to be placed:

           → In each cargo hold, giving audible and visual alarms, one when the water level above the inner bottom in any hold reaches a height of 0.5m and another at a height not less than 15% of the depth of the cargo hold but not more than 2.0 m. The water level detectors shall be fitted in the aft end of the cargo holds. For cargo holds which are used for water ballast, an alarm overriding device may be installed. The visual alarms shall clearly discriminate between the two different level detectors in each hold.

           → In any ballast tank forward of the collision bulkhead require to give an audible and visual alarm when the liquid in the tank reaches a level not exceeding 10% of the tank capacity. An alarm overriding device may be installed to be activated when the tank is in use.

           → In any dry or void space other than a chain cable locker, any part of which extends forward of the foremost cargo hold, giving an audible and visual alarm at a water level of 0.1 m above the deck. Such alarms need not be provided in enclosed spaces the volume of which does not exceed 0.1% of the ship’s maximum displacement volume.

           → The audible and visual alarms shall be located on the navigation bridge.
Unusual motion or attitude :

           → If a ship takes on an unusual trim or heel, or if her motions become changed, breach of the hull envelope should be suspected immediately.

           → Sudden changes of heel or trim will indicate flooding or in smaller ships with lighter cargoes it may indicate cargo shift.

           → Unusual collections of water on decks may be indicating trim or heel abnormality.

           On smaller ships, slowing of the ship’s roll period may indicate excessive water within the hull - a serious threat to stability. Ship s fitted with GM meters should be able to identify any unexpected changes in GM.

           → Jerky lateral motions can be indicative of large scale sloshing as would be the case if a hold were flooded.

           → Increases of water boarding forward decks may indicate flooding of a forward compartment. Trim and freeboard changes are notoriously difficult to assess from an after bridge.

Methods of detection :

           → Hatch covers may be dislodged by pressure and/or sloshing from within a hold if flooding occurs through side shell or bulkhead.

           → Sudden pressurization of compartments adjoining those that are damaged or flooded will indicate failure of internal subdivision, most notably bulkheads.

           → Hull Stress Monitors, where fitted, may be able to detect unexpected longitudinal hull girder bending. Torsional stresses may also be detected through differential changes between port and starboard strain gauges.

           → Spaces may be monitored, either using gauging or bilge/water level alarms. Forward store spaces can also be monitored audibly using ‘talkback’ telephones that may be fitted in forward spaces. Anchor impacts and water in the space can be detected using telephones of the type that remain active until switched off from the bridge.

           → Visual monitoring from the bridge using binoculars, where fitted, by closed circuit television, can give indication of abnormal water on deck and local damage. However, assessment of trim or freeboard using this method is difficult.

           → Assessment of trim changes can in certain conditions be detected by noting the level of the horizon, when visible, against a known reference point on the foremast.

            → Draft and trim can be assessed using draft gauges. Changes are much more discernible using this method than by visual means from above decks.

Bulk Carriers: Guidelines On Early Assessment Of Hull Damage And Need For Abandonment

Unusual motion or attitude :

           → If a ship takes on an unusual trim or heel, or if her motions become changed, breach of the hull envelope should be suspected immediately.

           → Sudden changes of heel or trim will indicate flooding or in smaller ships with lighter cargoes it may indicate cargo shift.

           → Unusual collections of water on decks may be indicating trim or heel abnormality.

           On smaller ships, slowing of the ship’s roll period may indicate excessive water within the hull - a serious threat to stability. Ship s fitted with GM meters should be able to identify any unexpected changes in GM.

           → Jerky lateral motions can be indicative of large scale sloshing as would be the case if a hold were flooded.

           → Increases of water boarding forward decks may indicate flooding of a forward compartment. Trim and freeboard changes are notoriously difficult to assess from an after bridge.

Methods of detection :

           → Hatch covers may be dislodged by pressure and/or sloshing from within a hold if flooding occurs through side shell or bulkhead.

           → Sudden pressurization of compartments adjoining those that are damaged or flooded will indicate failure of internal subdivision, most notably bulkheads.

           → Hull Stress Monitors, where fitted, may be able to detect unexpected longitudinal hull girder bending. Torsional stresses may also be detected through differential changes between port and starboard strain gauges.

           → Spaces may be monitored, either using gauging or bilge/water level alarms. Forward store spaces can also be monitored audibly using ‘talkback’ telephones that may be fitted in forward spaces. Anchor impacts and water in the space can be detected using telephones of the type that remain active until switched off from the bridge.

           → Visual monitoring from the bridge using binoculars, where fitted, by closed circuit television, can give indication of abnormal water on deck and local damage. However, assessment of trim or freeboard using this method is difficult.

           → Assessment of trim changes can in certain conditions be detected by noting the level of the horizon, when visible, against a known reference point on the foremast.

            → Draft and trim can be assessed using draft gauges. Changes are much more discernible using this method than by visual means from above decks.
          → Bulk carriers of 150m in length and upwards of double-side skin construction in which any part of a longitudinal bulkhead is located within B/5 or 11.5m, whichever is less, inboard from the ship’s side at right angle to the centerline at the assigned summer load line, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m. and above, constructed on or after 1 July 2006 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium.

          → Bulk carriers of 150m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m. and above, constructed on or after 1 July 1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding in any one cargo hold, in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium.

          → Bulk carriers of 150m in length and upwards of single-skin construction, carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m. and above, constructed before July 1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding in the foremost cargo hold, in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium.

          → Bulk carriers of 150m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, constructed before 1 July 1999, of 10 years of age and over, shall not carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m. and above unless it has satisfactorily undergone either a periodical survey or a survey of her cargo holds at an equivalent extent to the enhanced program of inspections.

          → Any restrictions imposed on the carriage of solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m. and above in accordance with the requirements of regulation shall be permanently marked on the side shell at amidships, port and starboard, with a solid equilateral triangle having sides of 500mm and its apex 300mm below the deck line, and painted a contrasting color to that of the hull.

          → Prior to loading solid bulk cargo on bulk carriers of 150m in length and upwards, the shipper shall declare the density of the cargo. Any cargo declared to have a density in the range of 1250 kg/m3 to 1780 kg/m3 must have its density verified by an accredited testing organization.

          → Bulk carriers of 150m in length and upwards, shall be fitted with a loading instrument capable of providing information on hull girder shear forces and bending moments.

Special Safety Criteria For Bulk Carriers

          → Bulk carriers of 150m in length and upwards of double-side skin construction in which any part of a longitudinal bulkhead is located within B/5 or 11.5m, whichever is less, inboard from the ship’s side at right angle to the centerline at the assigned summer load line, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m. and above, constructed on or after 1 July 2006 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium.

          → Bulk carriers of 150m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m. and above, constructed on or after 1 July 1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding in any one cargo hold, in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium.

          → Bulk carriers of 150m in length and upwards of single-skin construction, carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m. and above, constructed before July 1999 shall, when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding in the foremost cargo hold, in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium.

          → Bulk carriers of 150m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, constructed before 1 July 1999, of 10 years of age and over, shall not carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m. and above unless it has satisfactorily undergone either a periodical survey or a survey of her cargo holds at an equivalent extent to the enhanced program of inspections.

          → Any restrictions imposed on the carriage of solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m. and above in accordance with the requirements of regulation shall be permanently marked on the side shell at amidships, port and starboard, with a solid equilateral triangle having sides of 500mm and its apex 300mm below the deck line, and painted a contrasting color to that of the hull.

          → Prior to loading solid bulk cargo on bulk carriers of 150m in length and upwards, the shipper shall declare the density of the cargo. Any cargo declared to have a density in the range of 1250 kg/m3 to 1780 kg/m3 must have its density verified by an accredited testing organization.

          → Bulk carriers of 150m in length and upwards, shall be fitted with a loading instrument capable of providing information on hull girder shear forces and bending moments.

Discharge of Oil from Machinery space (bilge and sludge) :

Ship must be en route

Oily mixture must have been processed through the oil filtering equipment

Oil content of the mixture does not exceed 15 parts per million (ppm)

Oily mixture is not mixed with cargo residues.

Discharge of Oil from Cargo space in Oil Tankers :

The tanker is not within a special area.

Ship must be en route

Must be more than 50nm from nearest land (also defined)

30 litres per nautical mile

Discharged through the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME)

Maximum discharge quantity on a ballast voyage should not exceed 1/30,000 of the total quantity of the particular cargo of which the residue formed a part

Precautions and procedures when taking Bunkers aboard vessel :

Prior to Bunkering it would be normal practice to establish the quantity of bunkers being taken and to identify the respective tank(s) where they are intended to be placed. Once established, the new stability condition and changes to the drafts would be calculated by use of the loadicator.

Checks and precautions would be carried out as per the Company checklist and would include the following points:

Seal the upper-most deck and ensure all scuppers are blocked off.

Rig a pressurized hose over-side and have extinguishers available at the manifold. Observe all standard fire precautions.

Establish a three-way communication link between the pumping station, the manifold and the tank sounding monitor.

Ensure a second means of access is available to and from the deck.

Display the ‘Bravo’ flag by day or a ‘Red Light’ at night.

Display additional no smoking signs especially at the gangway and at the entrances to the manifold deck.

Place drip trays at any manifolds or pipe connections not provided for.

Advise the Master, and the Port Authority of the operation.

Comply with all aspects of SOPEP (Ships Oil Pollution Emergency Plan).

Start pumping operation slowly and ensure no back pressure build up.

Ensure an adequate number of personnel are available on deck, especially when topping off.

Make relevant entries into the log book.

Cause an entry to be made into the oil record book on completion.


Every oil Tanker 150 GT and above. Other ship 400 GT and above.

Contents of SOPEP :

Procedures to report an Oil pollution incident.

List of authorities or persons to be contacted in case of Oil pollution.

Action to be taken immediately to reduce or control the discharge of Oil.

The procedures to co-ordinate with national and local authorities in combating the pollution.

List and quantity and location of equipment on board to contain the pollution.


Discharge of Oil from Machinery space (bilge and sludge) :

Ship must be en route

Oily mixture must have been processed through the oil filtering equipment

Oil content of the mixture does not exceed 15 parts per million (ppm)

Oily mixture is not mixed with cargo residues.

Discharge of Oil from Cargo space in Oil Tankers :

The tanker is not within a special area.

Ship must be en route

Must be more than 50nm from nearest land (also defined)

30 litres per nautical mile

Discharged through the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME)

Maximum discharge quantity on a ballast voyage should not exceed 1/30,000 of the total quantity of the particular cargo of which the residue formed a part

Precautions and procedures when taking Bunkers aboard vessel :

Prior to Bunkering it would be normal practice to establish the quantity of bunkers being taken and to identify the respective tank(s) where they are intended to be placed. Once established, the new stability condition and changes to the drafts would be calculated by use of the loadicator.

Checks and precautions would be carried out as per the Company checklist and would include the following points:

Seal the upper-most deck and ensure all scuppers are blocked off.

Rig a pressurized hose over-side and have extinguishers available at the manifold. Observe all standard fire precautions.

Establish a three-way communication link between the pumping station, the manifold and the tank sounding monitor.

Ensure a second means of access is available to and from the deck.

Display the ‘Bravo’ flag by day or a ‘Red Light’ at night.

Display additional no smoking signs especially at the gangway and at the entrances to the manifold deck.

Place drip trays at any manifolds or pipe connections not provided for.

Advise the Master, and the Port Authority of the operation.

Comply with all aspects of SOPEP (Ships Oil Pollution Emergency Plan).

Start pumping operation slowly and ensure no back pressure build up.

Ensure an adequate number of personnel are available on deck, especially when topping off.

Make relevant entries into the log book.

Cause an entry to be made into the oil record book on completion.


Every oil Tanker 150 GT and above. Other ship 400 GT and above.

Contents of SOPEP :

Procedures to report an Oil pollution incident.

List of authorities or persons to be contacted in case of Oil pollution.

Action to be taken immediately to reduce or control the discharge of Oil.

The procedures to co-ordinate with national and local authorities in combating the pollution.

List and quantity and location of equipment on board to contain the pollution.